Engineering the next generation of gene delivery systems

DNA is the new silicon
Today’s most pressing challenges are the result on an unsustainable reliance on synthetic chemistries. Synthetic biology will provide innovative paths to enduring health, food security, and sustainable energy. Traditional methods in biology are inadequate to face the magnitude and urgency of the solutions needed. These challenges call for a cultural revolution that leverages contributions from biology, engineering, manufacturing, and computer sciences to catalyze the emergence of creative solutions.
Current Research Projects
We are looking for talented scientists at all stages of their careers to contribute to these ongoing research projects.

DIN Project
The DIN (DNA Identification Number) project aims at developing a digital certificate technology for engineered DNA molecules. This certification system will be similar to the VIN system used by the automotive industry. It will make it possible to use sequencing data to retrieve the author and documents associated with synthetic DNA molecules.
Viral Vectors
We are generating 1000s of variants of the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus to collect data to help us understand how the virus’s five genes determine its virulence. This data will be summarized in a mathematical model that will be used to engineer VSV variants that will be used as an anticancer treatment, as vaccine vectors, and for other biomedical applications.

DNA Vaccines
The unprecedented speed of the COVID-19 vaccine development has demonstrated the potential of nucleic acids to develop vaccines against emerging diseases. Despite their undeniable success, mRNA vaccines have inherent limitations. They need to be kept frozen and they are challenging to manufacture. As future epidemics caused by new viruses are expected to occur with increasing frequency, we are pursuing the development of a new DNA vaccine system that will be easier to deploy on a global scale than mRNA vaccines because they could be conserved at ambient temperature and would be easier to manufacture.
Train for industry jobs.

“This lab is unlike any you’ll ever work in: organized, efficient, state-of-the-art LIMS. Excellent training for industry jobs.”
Growth Opportunity

“Before working as a graduate student in Dr. Peccoud’s Lab I was an undergraduate student in his senior design group. Over the past year, I have gained such valuable research experience and witnessed the vast amount of coordination it takes to run a high throughput lab. My time working for the Peccoud Lab was a big growth period. Every member of the lab is encouraging and passionate about what they are doing. Working in the lab was a challenge for me and the result of that was an improvement in my studies and research skills. I will miss being part of the Peccoud Lab and the amazing work that they do.”
Gained experience in interdisciplinary research
“I was a visiting graduate student in Dr. Peccoud’s group for over a year. I had the opportunity to learn a great deal about a field in which I had no previous experience. Dr. Peccoud excels in putting together diverse groups of people to work on interdisciplinary projects. He is both dedicated and passionate about his work, and he inspires and energizes people in his group to do excellent work.”